We all see the news, we have the charts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention here in the office. In a nutshell, the charts reveal that ⅔ Americans are having issues in their health due to being overweight.

By looking at the charts, you can see that obesity is rising like crazy. If you overlay those obesity and overweight charts on the charts for diabetes, depression, heart disease, cancer, the increase in weight problems that we’re experiencing in our country are dragging all of these other lifestyle diseases with them.
Society’s Misconceptions on Weight Loss

A study was done, and they found that the average woman in the United States goes on eight diet or weight loss programs a year. Let that one sink in for a minute… More often than every other month, a woman is starting a weight loss program and a diet specifically focused on losing weight. This is because these women are not actually getting the help and the support that they need from the weight loss programs that they’re starting.
There are so many different ideas out there about how to lose weight, but most of them don’t address the real issue that is keeping these people from sustainably losing and sustaining a healthy weight. This is because we, as a society, are dealing with so many misconceptions about weight loss programs.
Common Weight Loss Program Problems:
- Oversimplified and non-functional for most people.
- The issue is much more complicated than calories-in and calories-out.
- “Just eat a salad” is insufficient and insulting advice.
One Vital Factor Ignored by Most Weight Loss Programs

In today’s petrochemical age, toxins are simply a fact of life. Toxins are any chemical or physical agents in our environment that are at least non-helpful but potentially harmful to our health. The body treats these substances as toxic invaders, and they come from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and so much more. Anything that is a petrochemical, (made from petroleum/oil) is classified as a toxin. In our modern world, there are 70,000+ different chemicals made from petroleum and they’re hidden inside of almost every product that we use.
Uses of Petrochemicals:
- Gasoline
- Plastics
- Food Additives
- Food Colorings
- Pesticides
- Fertilizers
- Perfume
- Shampoo
- Cosmetics
- Dyes
- Fabrics
- Detergents
- Furniture
- Carpet
Two Types of Toxins
When toxins get into your body, your body will break them up based on their solubility. The detoxifying organs that utilize your body’s natural water-cleansing mechanisms are the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and colon. If a water-soluble toxin gets into your body, these organs can clean them up by excreting them in your urine, breathing them off as vapor, etc. However, fat-soluble toxins (petrochemicals fall under this category) cause a big issue because these types of toxins don’t dissolve in water. As you could guess, they dissolve in lipids, oils, fats.

When fat-soluble toxins get into your body, they can’t be dealt with in the normal fashion of being dissolved into water and excreted from your body. They have to be handled differently. Your body is an intelligent system; it knows that these types of toxins can’t stay circulating inside of you without negatively affecting your health. Consequently, the body will push these fat-soluble toxins into fat cells. To do so, it brings up the fact that your body has to hold onto fat storage to dump all these toxins into it. The other thing that happens is that we end up with very resistant fat. That fat now isn’t just “energy storage” or “fat storage”; it’s now shielding and protecting your body from the effect of all these toxins.
Issues arise when you’re worried about your waist size because of one simple scientific fact. When fat cells absorb fat-soluble toxins, your body doesn’t want them to escape and circulate, so it performs its version of “Fort Knox” for toxins. Your body will signal to put these fat-soluble toxins into a fat cell and surround that fat cell with a layer of wastewater, increasing its mass. Two problems now come into play: First, this creates an unhealthy condition. Second, fat storage plus wastewater retention exacerbates the problem of your clothes not fitting, becoming unhappy with how you’re looking, and how your body is functioning.
Toxins Massively Disrupt your Hormonal System
Hormones govern every function in your body. Anything that your body does is triggered, modulated, turned on, or turned off by hormones. High toxic load absolutely and always will disrupt your hormonal health. If your hormonal health sucks, your overall health will suck. One of the first significant areas of hormonal health that is goofed up by high toxicity are those related to metabolism and corticoid hormones (stress hormones). If we turn your body’s “toxic stress” up, those corticoid hormones will go up with it. One of the significant things that these corticoid hormones do is they force for fat storage, especially abdominal fat storage. Abdominal fat storage is a place we don’t want it appearance-wise or health-wise because it surrounds all of our vital organs, making it the most dangerous fat on our body. However, when our “toxic stress” is high, we create more of the corticoid hormone, causing more “stress fat storage.” The net effect of all of this is that we end up with a depressed metabolism.

This is where the downward spiral happens. It starts with an increased toxic load, which causes us to store more fat and become resistant to letting it go. Then our body’s produce a stress hormone (cortisol), which causes us to store more fat. Now the very fact that we’re storing more fat, creates a full-blown “hormonal condition” that makes us prone to store more fat. You see, one condition piles on top of the other, making it nearly impossible to sustainably lose weight and keep it off. Until a person rectifies the vital issue of toxicity, they’ll never be able to healthfully, sustainably lose weight and keep it off in the long-run.
We Need You to Know: It’s Not Your Fault!
If you’re dealing with resistant weight loss, the chances are likely high that you’ve been wrongly informed that you failed at weight loss in the past because you’re lazy or have no willpower. This couldn’t be further away from the truth. We need you to know that it’s NOT your fault. It’s the fault of the fact that you’ve never been taught a weight loss program that addresses this underlying issue of toxicity that is vital to take care of for sustainable weight loss that you don’t rebound from.
With the M’lis Weight Loss program, not only do we teach people how to cut dietary cravings to highly processed, lifeless foods and how to get 100% bioavailable nutrition to fuel the health and function of their body. We additionally give people the tools their body’s need to remove toxins throughout regular intervals of fat loss during their weight loss journey. By removing trapped toxins and restoring them to metabolic health, we give people the real program that they need to effectively lose weight and sustainably keep it off while improving their health tremendously in the process.

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